The Tri for a Cure is Maine Cancer Foundation’s signature fundraising event, having raised more than $24 million to date.
100% of funds raised stay in Maine to support cancer prevention, screening, and access to care programs. The money you help us raise will make a difference in the lives of your neighbors and communities around Maine. Now, more than ever, cancer patients need our help!
All participants are required to meet a fundraising level of $500. For reaching this threshold you will receive:
Finisher’s medal
Official Tri for a Cure athlete shirt
If you fall short of the $500 minimum for 2025 Tri for a Cure, you will be held accountable and your credit card will be debited the balance.
Additional incentives are awarded to participant fundraisers as you cross milestone amounts of $700, $1000, $1500, and $2000.
Registrations cannot be transferred to next year and donations to the 2025 event will stay in the 2025 event. The Tri for a Cure is a critical fundraiser for Maine Cancer Foundation and all proceeds will support Mainers impacted by cancer.
Please visit our FAQ page for more details.
You can print a donor letter to send to your friends and family here.
Help! How do I fundraise? Don't panic!
Fundraising can seem intimidating if you don't know where to start, but it's easier than you think to hit your goal. Everyone has been impacted by cancer, and everyone will be moved by your commitment to do something about it. Remember that when you ask people to support you, you are asking them to support the fight against cancer in Maine.
In an effort to make fundraising as seamless as possible, we've adopted a fundraising app! Search for it in the App Store (just look up "Tri for a Cure"). The app syncs to your Donor Drive page so you'll use the same login credentials. You can text the link to your page, check your progress, and even thank donors. Check it out!
Here are some good tips for fundraisers, whether it’s your first event or your 13th!
1. Donate to yourself.
Start off by making a small donation to yourself. Not only will it "get you off the starting line," it's a lot easier to ask friends and family for a donation when you can say, "Can you join me? I donated $20!"
2. Make it all about them!
Remind them that we ALL know someone affected by cancer – each of us has a relative, a friend, a neighbor, or a co-worker who is battling the disease right now. Let them know where the dollars go: 100% of funds are invested in Maine, to provide grants for cancer prevention, early detection and screening, and access to care. Explain to your friends and family how the work of Maine Cancer Foundation impacts them. Reinforce that every dollar donated helps – we can all make a difference. No donation is too small, and every dollar counts.
Here's an awesome fact to share with the people you ask for a donation: 100% of their gift will go directly to Maine Cancer Foundation’s grant programs. The event costs have been covered by registration fees and sponsor contributions!
3. Personalize your fundraising page.
Tell a story! Each athlete has a unique fundraising page on the event website that accepts credit card donations and handles all the processing. You can personalize your page and share it with anyone you like.
Everybody loves a story. Spend a few minutes to add a custom photo and a paragraph about why you're participating and you'll see donations increase. Explain your reasons for participating: you might be raising money because of a friend who is dealing with cancer, or a relative who has survived the disease, or in memory of a loved one who lost the battle to cancer. Tell your donors how you're turning 40. Or 80! Or, you're going to lose 25 pounds. Or, you're a cancer survivor! Or, you're a lunatic bent on winning her first 5K! Anything goes. Don’t just tell them you joined the event- tell them why. And then, share your page with friends, family, co-workers, anyone who might want to contribute. And remember:
Customized pages get 20% more donations on average than pages with the generic text.
4. Aim High(er)
Set a personal fundraising goal. Then double it. That will be the number on your fundraising page. If your goal is too low, people stop giving. If your goal is high, they will help you meet it. Everyone loves the person who is trying hard for a cure.
5. Email everyone in your address book, even those you don’t expect to give.
You'll be surprised at who responds. Also make sure to email your request more than once. Send emails out to everyone in your contact list and let them know your fundraising goal and give them a link to your fundraising page. A picture is worth a thousand words! Check back frequently and send follow up emails. Let people know how your training is progressing, so your follow up emails will be a welcome note while reminding people who forgot to give.
Remember: Email generates the lion’s share of all donations. We recommend asking once and sending a reminder about a week later. You will be amazed at how many people will be excited to donate to your fundraising effort, not just close friends.
6. You probably have to ask more than once
Don't get discouraged! Everyone is busy and most people think, "Whoops! I meant to send a donation!" Two or three gentle reminders are just fine. Half of those who donate to you won’t do it on their first visit to your fundraising page. Don't feel bad! Everyone is busy and a reminder or two are usually appreciated. (But try to avoid spam - asking four or more times is unlikely to work.)
7. Get your 15 minutes of fame
Consider using your computer camera or smart phone to record a one-minute video of yourself. Upload your video to YouTube, to your Facebook page, or to your Instagram account. Explain what your goal is and how people can help. Link it back to your fundraising page and share it far and wide.
8. Facebook & Social Media
Not everyone uses Facebook, but if you do, it can really help. Do you tweet or Instagram, or use other social media? Make sure all your friends on social media know about your race and your fundraising goal. You can add a link directly to your fundraising page. The more you spread the word, the more success you’ll have. Post updates to your own page and share the word with the Maine Cancer Foundation and the Tri for a Cure Facebook pages.
Note: Facebook is responsible for 90% of social donations. Most Facebook users are on in the evening, so that's the best time to post.
9. Matching gifts
Many employers are willing to offer matching gifts for charitable events. Does your business have a matching gifts program? It never hurts to ask. Send your employer to the Tri for a Cure website – who knows? They might even want to become a sponsor!
10. Do what you do best, and be creative!
We all have special skills. Tap into your best talents to support your fundraising. That could mean: throwing a benefit dinner or party (as CDC guidelines allow), having an online bake sale (and then deliver the treats!); or hosting an online raffle!
Bottle drives, virtual talent shows, you name it! Think of something fun you enjoy doing and invite your friends and family to join you, and make your fundraising goal a team effort! Remember – you are not asking for money for yourself – you are fundraising for Maine Cancer Foundation, and we are changing the story of cancer in Maine.
Need help setting up your fundraising page and/or sending emails and connecting to social media? Check out the video tutorial we made:
Download a printable form to track offline donations:
Set Your Fundraising Goal!
Last year the Tri for a Cure raised over $2.1 million to support vital cancer prevention, screening and patient support programs. Incredible! We couldn't do it without you!
We know you work hard to meet your fundraising goals, so we have some fun prizes to say thank you. Don't worry: the average triathlete raised over $700 last year. It's easier than you think!
We will determine the Top Fundraiser and Top 10 on Thursday, July 17 at 5:00PM.
The Top Fundraiser will receive a complimentary room at the Spring Point Inn on the SMCC campus for the night of Saturday, July 19th. Nothing like rolling out of bed and into transition!
The Top Fundraising Team will receive vouchers to stay at the Westin Downtown Portland on a date of their choosing. Recap your race with a special girls weekend.
Need a boost to your fundraising? You're welcome to use the logo to help spread the word!
Please keep in mind:
- The Tri for a Cure name and logo should only be used to promote donation-based fundraisers or things like tickets to a party. Percent of sales are allowed, provided you clearly state the percentage to be donated to Tri for a Cure.
- The Tri for a Cure name and logo can be used on flyers or social media to spread the word about an event but should NOT be used on apparel or items created for sale.
- Please include language stating that it is a fundraiser to benefit Maine Cancer Foundation's Tri for a Cure.
Right-Click to Save Logos Below:









Let your donors know where the money goes! We want to set you up for success when talking about Maine Cancer Foundation and Tri for a Cure. Use this quick fact sheet talk up the event and showcase the data which supports all your hard work.
Let the pictures tell your story, and help in your fundraising efforts. Use these colorful 8.5" x 11" fliers at your office, or at your fundraising events to help tell the story of the Tri for a Cure, and attract more donations. Just click the one you like, download it, and print!
Fundraising Commitment
The Maine Cancer Foundation Tri for a Cure is a fundraising event, and all funds raised will be used to support the mission of Maine Cancer Foundation to reduce incidence and mortality rates here in Maine.
By registering for the event, participants are committing to raising a minimum or $500. Because we have a limited number of slots, there are no exceptions to this rule. The commitment will be upheld even in the event that you are unable to participate in the event for any reason.